The Toddler King (parts 1,2 and 3)

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The Toddler King


5 am. in America

the toddler king
checks his Twitter feed

a five hundred pound ball
of carbohydrate and grease
rolls across the parking lot
of a big box store

assault rifles take stock

the second amendment
thinks about making amends

the founding fathers
find themselves wanting.


5 am. in America

the toddler king
checks his Twitter feed

in the empty parking lot
of a big box store
a plastic bag pirouettes
on the halitotic breeze

national monuments
fear for their lives

the adjectives – good, bad, great-
drop in value again

the toddler king
picks a fight with himself.


5 am. in America

the toddler king
checks his Twitter feed

an empty shopping cart
rolls across the parking lot
of a big box store
and wishes it was
a metaphor for something

rivers say goodbye
to their banks

the ocean
eyes the shore

the toddler king pardons
those great American dioxides
sulphur, nitric, carbon
they are quickly released.


Parts 1&2 appeared previously on this blog, participating in dverse Open Link Night

21 thoughts on “The Toddler King (parts 1,2 and 3)

  1. Beverly Crawford

    I believe the toddler king has a serious malady … that of diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain. Unfortunately, there is no known cure.


  2. Pingback: Donald’s Early Days (Redux) | Stopdraggingthepanda

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