The Toddler King (parts 1,2 and 3…re-post)

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It’s Open Link Weekend over at earthweal and editor in chief , Brendan, is feeling a little down in an eloquent, acerbic and humorous way, so head on over there, check out his post and link one of your poems.

Here’s one from 2018, which is surprisingly current and is either cheerful or depressing depending on your politics.


The Toddler King


5 am. in America

the toddler king
checks his Twitter feed

a five hundred pound ball
of carbohydrate and grease
rolls across the parking lot
of a big box store

assault rifles take stock

the second amendment
thinks about making amends

the founding fathers
find themselves wanting.


5 am. in America

the toddler king
checks his Twitter feed

in the empty parking lot
of a big box store
a plastic bag pirouettes
on the halitotic breeze

national monuments
fear for their lives

the adjectives – good, bad, great-
drop in value again

the toddler king
picks a fight with himself.


5 am. in America

the toddler king
checks his Twitter feed

an empty shopping cart
rolls across the parking lot
of a big box store
and wishes it was
a metaphor for something

rivers say goodbye
to their banks

the ocean
eyes the shore

the toddler king pardons
those great American dioxides
sulphur, nitric, carbon
they are quickly released.



4 thoughts on “The Toddler King (parts 1,2 and 3…re-post)

  1. earthweal

    Yep, great stuff — It’s Groundhog Day in America, same damn iteration over and over, though there’s a bit of Robert Coover thrown in. so that each next day is the same but dirtier, drilled into some greater darkness. Rinse in wrong, repeat. That there are “cheerful” and “depressing’ readings suggest that the same view splits perspective further apart with each iteration. Here comes Henry Vee Eye Eye Eye — Run for your wives! — Brendan



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