The Town of High Dudgeon

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The Town of High Dudgeon

In the town of High Dudgeon
at the corner of Grump Street and Curmudgeon
people talk about the old ways
about young people these days
with their smart phones, their social media
their Facebook, their Wikipedia
hell, in our day we had to know stuff.
Harrumph! They shout in unison.
Harrumph! They shout harrumphantly.

Outside the town limits
the future raises a middle finger
and data accumulates
about this moment
and the moment before
in cabinets that hum
a one note tune.


Participating in Open Link night over at dVerse, one of the best poetry blogs around!

25 thoughts on “The Town of High Dudgeon

  1. Therisa Godwaldt

    Sadly, there’s a lot of truth and humour, in your poem, Jim. Keeping thinking of my mom, and her fear of using the debit card to pay for the goods that she wants to purchase. As society leaves these people behind, in the wake of digital dust.


  2. Glenn Buttkus

    Change comes harder the older we get. I, too, feel the weight of digital dust, apathy, and being left behind clinging to memories of cycling and skating without helmets, landlines and phone booths, old school math and cursive writing.


  3. Grace

    The tech changes are coming very fast and its hard to keep up with the all developments. I like to focus on the good side though, like ordering online. I miss the personal touch and conversations with strangers though as everyone is stuck in their phones.


  4. Beverly Crawford

    How I love the term “harrumphantly”! I shall borrow that! Sadly, we have no secrets any more. Siri knows all the answers, Alexa and Echo lead us through our days, and Facebook and Google entertain us; hoverboards, skateboards and segues transport us from A to B (if we dare), and virtual reality replaces the real thing. There’s no such thing as science fiction — we’re living it!


  5. Steve Simpson

    Thought-provoking and too real, Jim. This question of knowing stuff, let’s hope it doesn’t matter, because not many people do, or if they do, they don’t tell us. Maybe I belong in that town, and once I was silly enough to believe that the information revolution would save us. Of course, that was before the misinformation revolution.



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