Pantoum of the Opera

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Pantoum of the Opera

A night at the opera
I have to admit, it’s not my cup of tea
the braying sound of a male tenor
the smell of moth balls in the cheap seats

I have to admit it’s not my cup of tea
the diva’s ululating grief
the smell of moth balls in the cheap seats
if only it was brief, if only it was brief

the diva’s ululating grief
the uncontrollable urge to sleep
if only it was brief, if only it was brief
there would be some relief

the uncontrollable urge to sleep
the braying sound of a male tenor
there is no relief
a night at the opera

The challenge over at dVerse is to write a pantoum. Click here to learn all about the form. I have stuck to the form for the first 3 stanza’s, I have improvised in the 4th, which I think is within the rules!

photo: Approaching Planet Cistern

30 thoughts on “Pantoum of the Opera

  1. robtkistner

    I loved this Jim, and touché! It’s the pretense of “high culture” vocal style that sometimes chafes me. Although a well-executed, isolated aria can be admired at times. But no chafing with regard to your pantoum here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sdtp33 Post author

      Just catching up here, Rob…glad you liked the poem, I’m exaggerating a little for effect, of course, but it is the one art form I have difficulty appreciating!


  2. Gina

    the title – oh the title, i am like why did i not think of that! a lovely topic to write a pantoum on, well done. the improv on the 4th line is magnificent. it can be called an imperfect pantoum ,something i was looking out for and glad you attempted. you kept the pantoum neat, the same recurring thought is very strong throughout the poem. it winds back and forth in a very lyrical way. really loved reading it out loud. totally not boring like the opera!


    1. sdtp33 Post author

      Hi Gina, just catching up here, life got in the way for a while there. Thank you for your comments and for taking the time to read my poem. The pantoum is an intriguing form!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Imelda

    So funny and clever. ☺️ Ah, this is the first time I read a not-so-subtle review of the Phantom. I’ve always wanted to watch it if only to hear the songs live and in context. I found the book rather boring though.


  4. Steve Simpson

    This piece made me shiver involuntarily, Jim. I think I could see, hear and smell it only too well thanks to your clever description. I may have some sort of phobia. I have managed to attend without running out screaming. This required pre-performance drinking.

    Liked by 1 person


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