18 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg at Davos (haiku)

  1. Sherry Marr

    Oh YES, when young people, Truth-Tellers, speak truth to power, sure makes those old codgers mad. I love every beautiful word. “Wilderness, a voice.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. earthweal

    I read it slant, as “lecturing the old wilderness” with “a voice” — as if the old woods had grown deaf and blind to the roaring fire closing in. Or Jesus wild in the temple, his voice “wilderness,” wild. Great haiku. – Brendan


  3. hedgewitch

    Haiku always seems to me to be missing words, but here you overcome that and I enjoyed this as a distillation of the awful moment we stand in. I am reluctant to lay all this weight on such young shoulders, but that’s the way it’s always been I think–one generation takes the torch that old hands can no longer keep alight.


    1. sdtp33 Post author

      Hi there…yes haiku can be a bit staccato and po-faced! I had a longer poem but sometimes I enjoy the challenge of compressing an idea into 17 syllables. Glad you enjoyed it…JIM


  4. Sumana Roy

    A streak of light in darkness / wilderness is not a lonely voice I hope. There are listeners and torchbearers to carry on the light when it’s time. History teaches us that. So much in just three little lines! Just as a Haiku must be.



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