Umbrage in Umbria



Umbrage in Umbria

In which Diane Keaton
plays an American woman
recovering from the pain
of a recent divorce.
Sandra Oh will feature
as her quirky sidekick,
and smoldering local love interest
will be provided by
Xavier Bardem or Antonio Banderas –
they’re not Italian
but if you want “smoldering”
you’ve got to call in the Spanish.
We’ll need a Brit,
Maggie Smith, perhaps,
as a sage but ageing dowager
and the local priest must be wry and twinkling,
Morgan Freeman, I’m thinking,
an explanation will be needed
as to how he got there.
Richard Gere will appear
near the end,
as the ex-husband
rich and massively contrite
now that the younger woman has left him,
the philandering bastard.
And as for the umbrage
taken by whom
because of what
you’ll just have to wait for the movie.


The challenge from Lilian over at dverse is to write a poem about a place you have travelled to, well I’ve been to Umbria and this poem kind of plays around with that!

14 thoughts on “Umbrage in Umbria

  1. Glenn A. Buttkus

    I love this flight of fancy, clever and bang on. Of course you are aware of the film, MY HOUSE IN UMBRIA, 2003, with Maggie Smith?


    1. sdtp33 Post author

      Thanks Glenn, haven’t seen the Maggie Smith film, at least I don’t think I have! This probably came from a Diane Lane movie “Under the Tuscan Sun”, mixed in with a slew of other romantic comedies set in Italy!


  2. lillian

    What a great cast you’ve assembled! And you will be the director, I’m assuming? The characters you’ve outlined are illustrative of Umbria….and the photo makes my mouth water!


  3. kim881

    I adore Italy, haven’t visited Perugia yet, and I would love to watch that film! Sandra Oh is top of my favourites list, together with Maggie Smtih. Have you seen ‘Letters to Juliet’, which isn’t set in Umbria. but has an older woman, younger woman and a love interest for each of them.



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