Two Poems involving a Rooster

 Rooster on the Beach

strutting like a populist

cocksure, cock of the walk,

ruler of the roost

ready to crow

dawn, or no dawn.

Hacienda Merida (Ometepe)

It’s 5 AM and still dark as the lake
when the rooster starts his clownish complaint

damn pre-emptive cock.

He is quickly joined by the village dogs,
the gecko on the wall behind the bed
birds and more birds

and finally Fiona the donkey
whose hoarse and outraged heehaw
signals she is not ready for another day

tethered to a pole in fickle shade.

Taking part in Open Link over at dverse.

22 thoughts on “Two Poems involving a Rooster

  1. msjadeli

    Both of those characterize roosters so well. Add in rapist and sneak attacker and you have the whole picture. When we had chickens a few years back it was shocking to see how the rooster treated the hens. We kept him until he spurred me when I turned my back on him.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Eilene Lyon

        Ah. I wondered what Ometepe was. My ancestor, Henry Zane Jenkins, on his way home from California in 1853, crossed Lake Nicaragua and described it (part of my book, Fortune’s Frenzy). In 1976, when we lived in Guatemala, I went to Managua for a thespian festival/competition. I’ll never forget how ridiculously hot it was there!


      2. sdtp33 Post author

        You have intrepid ancestors , Eilene! Hacienda Merieda had a very earnest Californian hippie type vibe. Lovely place except I got food poisoning from the vegetarian buffet. Shouldn’t have gone for second helpings!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. kim881

    Your rooster strutting on the beach made me smile, Jjim. I like the sound of a cockerel crowing but my husband doesn’t – our neighbour’s cockerel always wakes him up. He would agree with ‘clownish complaint’ and that it’s a ‘damn pre-emptive cock’!



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